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Discover the STEFANO RICCI Spring/Summer 2023 CELEBRATIVE LOOKS. A triumph of pure Italian style in Luxor, on the occasion of the STEFANO RICCI 50th Anniversary. The collection was the first to be ever set in iconic Egyptian archaeological sites such as the Nefertari Tomb, the Luxor Temple, and the Hatshepsut Temple. The Spring/Summer 2023 Collection…
意大利奢侈品牌Stefano Ricci中国旗舰店落址北京华贸购物中心
由新加坡富隆奢侈品国际有限公司控股的全资⼦公司狮城富隆(宁波)控股有限公司与华贸集团成功签约,将其运营的意⼤利奢侈男装和⽣活⽅式品牌Stefano Ricci中国旗舰店落址华贸购物中⼼。同时狮城富隆北京总部办公室也已选定华贸中⼼T2写字楼,并计划在中国北京设⽴全球第⼀家SR雪茄酒廊,为加速打造京城CBD国际奢华⽣活圈奠定基础。 位于华贸购物中⼼北侧⼊⼝处,正对SKP商场 Stefano Ricci旗舰店店内设计效果图 即将亮相的Stefano Ricci中国旗舰店,是SR品牌全球近80家精品店中最为奢华的店铺。位于华贸购物中 ⼼ 北 侧 ⼊ ⼝ 处 , 两 层 ⾯ 积 近 500 平 ⽅ ⽶ 。 秉 承100% Made in Italy的品牌基调,旗舰店的空间设计和展柜家俬均由意⼤利匠⼈团队操⼑完成,打造出精致尊贵的奢享空间,是意式奢华的象征。 Stefano Ricci 是世界顶级男仕服饰奢侈品品牌,被誉为服饰中的劳斯莱斯。标志性鳄⻥⽪顶级钻饰是领袖名⼈所⻘睐的奢华之选,旗下出品的⽪具箱包、服装鞋帽、饰品腕表、⾦银⽔晶瓷器、鳄⻥⽪⽜⽪特制家私,以及私⼈订制限量版精品更是⾼贵⽆双的绝妙选择。作为中国旗舰店,Stefano Ricci华贸购物中⼼店不仅会销售顶级绅⼠⽤品,更会将⼥⼠甄选和VIP顶级服务等业务囊括其中,是⼀站式领略优雅意式艺术⽣活的极致空间。
近⽇,新加坡富隆奢侈品国际有限公司(以下简称:RichL集团)与第⼀太平戴维斯成功举办了战略签约仪式,RichL集团委任第⼀太平戴维斯为旗下运营的STEFANO RICCI中国旗舰店、SR会所、RichL集团中国总部办公室及全国精品店等投资项⽬提供建设⼯程项⽬管理服务,项⽬场所包括A+类百货商场、奢华酒店及5A级写字楼等地标型地产。双⽅就奢侈品牌与创新地产合作的模式进⾏了深⼊的探讨,希冀于将项⽬管理与商业艺术完美契合,诠释⾼品质的⼈居⽣活与⼈⽂价值,共同营造商业核⼼区内独特的奢华之地,达成战略合作。 意式奢华 “牵⼿” 地产顾问领航者匠筑精彩绝伦的商业美学空间 如果说奢侈品牌为⼈们提供了⾼品质的⽣活⽅式,那么全⽅位的店铺管理便是传递品牌语⾔的媒介、是突显品牌价值的强⼒后盾。近些年,⾼端品牌与项⽬管理服务的合作愈发紧密,这也是社会⼈⽂两⽅⾯的共鸣,在规划布局中融⼊品牌艺术,在商业空间中传递品牌⽂化,从⽽构建富有⽣命价值的多元化品质⽣活。 Stefano Ricci 旗舰店外墙设计效果图 从佛罗伦萨到中国北京,是双⽅穿越8000余公⾥的相遇,也是跨越纪元的经典携⼿,更是⾼贵⽣活与⾼端服务的匠⼼融合。RichL集团与第⼀太平戴维斯共同为STEFANO RICCI在北京CBD核⼼商圈的旗舰店精⼼定制⼯程项⽬管理⽅案,为⾦字塔尖⼈仕奉上尊贵的意式⽣活⽅式。 Stefano Ricci 旗舰店店内设计效果图 STEFANO RICCI是总部位于佛罗伦萨的意⼤利男⼠奢侈品和⽣活⽅式品牌,被誉为服饰中的劳斯莱斯。在50余年的历史进程中,STEFANO RICCI从严格选材到⼿⼯裁剪,从设计理念到奢华成品,均严格执⾏100% Made in Italy,为全球⾦字塔尖⼈仕带来⾼贵⽆双的意式享受。STEFANO RICCI的每⼀家精品店铺也同样秉承其品牌精神,店内的装潢物料均来⾃意⼤利原产,⽤始终如⼀的意⼤利品质彰显品牌本⾊。 “ 随着中国的经济⾼速发展,⼈⺠的⽣活⽔平也越来越⾼,追求⽣活的品质,消费升级也是⼀种必然趋势。中国市场是⼤多数奢侈品 牌 布 局 的 重 中 之 重 , 品 牌 创 始 ⼈ Mr Ricci 和富隆公司对中国市场⾮常重视,也充满信⼼。 SR追求的是匠⼼⼯艺,对产品的每个细节都追求到极致。⻔店展⽰是其中⼀个重要的环节,专业的建设⼯程管理⾄关重要。第⼀太平戴维斯团队经验丰富、值得信赖。未来项⽬的发展,我们富隆公司与第⼀太平戴维斯携⼿前⾏。” ⽅剑刚新加坡富隆奢侈品国际有限公司 执⾏董事 为精为专 业界先锋成就⾼效项⽬管理策略 第⼀太平戴维斯作为全球领先的房地产服务商之⼀,项⽬管理团队精英汇聚,在业界有着丰富的实践经验,业务涉及零售店、购物中⼼、⼯业、教育、医疗、宾馆和休闲设施、办公、住宅及各种综合体项⽬,并根据项⽬开发及施⼯时的特定需求为客⼾提供专业化的定制服务,帮助企业降低⻛险,最⼤程度保障客⼾利益。 “ 第⼀太平戴维斯⾃1995年进驻中国以来,致⼒于秉承专业、诚信的服务精神,为众多国内外知名品牌提供⼀站式房地产咨询服务、提升企业市场价值。北京华贸商圈,作为CBD繁华地段商务地标,云集全球2000余个品牌,是具有国际⽣活艺术的时尚之地。第⼀太平戴维斯此次很荣幸与RichL集团合作,为坐落于华贸中⼼的STEFANO RICCI中国旗舰店提供建设⼯程项⽬管理服务,携⼿创造⾼端商业与⼈⽂空间的⽆限可能。” ⻨安东 Anthony McQuade第⼀太平戴维斯华北区 董事⻓ 关于RichL集团 新加坡富隆奢侈品国际有限公司(简称:RichL集团),是⼀家专注于投资的集团公司,业务主要包括:奢侈品牌运营、能源贸易及⼤健康等领域。作为意⼤利男⼠奢侈品和⽣活⽅式品牌Stefano…
RichL Luxury Global PTE.LTD.and Savills signed strategic partnership agreement
Recently, RichL Luxury Global PTE.LTD. (hereinafter referred to as RichL Group) and Savills successfully held a strategic signing ceremony. RichL Group appointed Savills to provide construction project management services for its investment projects such as STEFANO RICCI flagship shop in China, SR Lounge, RichL Group headquarter office in China and boutiques around China.The investment projects…
Discover the STEFANO RICCI Spring/Summer 2023 CELEBRATIVE LOOKS. A triumph of pure Italian style in Luxor, on the occasion of the STEFANO RICCI 50th Anniversary. The collection was the first to be ever set in iconic Egyptian archaeological sites such as the Nefertari Tomb, the Luxor Temple, and the Hatshepsut Temple. The Spring/Summer 2023 Collection…
Dress up in SR Luxury Tech garments to immerse yourself in the future. For the man who loves to combine clothing and performance, who is aware of wearing pure Italian quality garments and technical materials, fabrics that embody lightness and soft lines in all instances. The Spring/Summer 2023 Collection consolidates an innovative proposal through contemporary…
“Luxor, Iceland, and now the Galápagos Islands. STEFANO RICCI Explorer continues along the route traced by nature”. These are notes from the travel diary kept by Filippo Ricci, Creative Director, during this new journey. SPRING/SUMMER 2024 The colours of Nature are masterful, giving way to a symphony of pure, light, ductile elegance for the man…
Breath work helps to optimize your physiological parameters and your self-regeneration
At a time when we are coping with stress, anxiety or fear, our brain begins to cope in different ways. When life feels out of control, it is vital to overcome the stress and essentially stay grounded. Regular physical activity and breathing exercises are a great way of achieving this. Breathing is the only basic…
Can a pill help you live longer?
Olga Donica, head of innovation and lifescience at Clinique La Prairie, tells us more about this science of nutritional supplements. With today’s food and fast agriculture systems, our meals might have left behind the nutrition density. This means that in addition to a “healthy food first” lifestyle, we need to provide high quality nutrients and…
The Holistic Complex has a proven protective role on telomere shortening and healthy aging
“Holistic Health products are about thoroughly science-backed solutions. A lifescience study about the CLP Holistic Complex (that is at the core of each Holistic Health supplement) shows that it has beneficial effects by decreasing the rate of telomere shortening and preserving telomere length under normal conditions, thus contributing to longevity.” What is a telomere? The…